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he knows it the same with me I go out with a dish of water and see something that wants to be done and forget all about what I was doing in the house.
I found some cucumber vines over to Gertrudes this morning coming up in the grass while digging dandelions, and set them out to grow over the stump down by the grapevines. 

The rasperries are just started, those new ones I am taking great pains to make them grow, and the old ones we are digging around to keep out the grass and lugging over stuff to enrich them, they are looking better but I am afraid we shant get much fruit this year from them.
I meant to have the new land dug up from a flower garden and planting gladiolas this week if possible.

The daffodills are in bloom and are very nice and large, those tender ones you sent I dont recall the name, five have come up, so they lived over winter, we planted them in front of the house, in the warmest place we could find. our quince bush is full of blossoms, and after its through blossoming, I mean to trim it so it will come up bushy.

I went to Mrs. Albert Clapps funeral Friday just the neighbors were there.  now there will be another house for sale for another Irishman to buy.  its a pretty lot but the house is cheap looking. Well I guess there is nothing more of consequence to say so will say adieu.