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Stoughton April 19, 1925

Dear Doris -
We a having a cold disagreeable day wind is NEast- and it rains by spells. I dug some dandelions though before it began and we had them for dinner to go with a pot roast. I made a ginger bread, it was good, but it went slow, for Pa did not care for it, 'till I put some whipped cream on the top, then it went, its hard to know what to cook these days. I made a custard pie and forgot to put sugar in it, that was appetizing now you may believe, Pa said it didnt hurt it any, he ate it and called it good. there is no accounting for tastes, it tasted better to me without sweetening put in. 
We are having so much cold north wind that things are coming pretty slow here, our bushes are just leaving out, Pa says that Peach tree will come down this year if it dont do anything, but we notice there are lots of birds starting this spring on the branches, so perhaps it will have fruit, I then can see what its like. Peaches are awful scarcer this way, I mean every year to do up some but they are poor and awful dear. I put up only lots of pears and they taste good to us.