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Pa to go and show them the way after Irma gets her car out of the paint shop. a long tedious days jolt is it not. I am wondering when Griffin will get the bungalo done, I hear that it's entirely up to date nothing omitted. if we go up there, I would like to see it, for Pa would know where it was, this is not of my planning and I dont want to go with her, but Pa has told her he would go so there you have it all cut and dried, they dont care for her but I suppose she wants to see their place, as she could not get up to the funeral. I hope she sends word ahead that we are coming. I dont feel they will be over anxious to see us. I wish I could get out of it some way even be willing to have a fit of sickness. I may get rid of the braided mats I made a year ago for a man came around yesterday and asked to see them and told me to keep him in view and said he might find a party who wanted them and made a commision on them himself I told him what I should sell them for, he was a Brockton man, young, and seemed more honest than the common run, would'nt it be funny if I should be lucky enough to get something to pay me for the hard work that I put into them, well wonders will never cease. I am sorry that you are so stirred up in your work I wish you could throw it away, and come east, home where you belong, its time you took a littl [[little]] pleasure in having a home of your own creating. I am sure there is some way of living here where you will be recognized for what you are worth. this is not much of a letter. I had a fright Monday the pasture back of us got afire and I happened to see it so as to call up the fire aparatus [[apparatus]] in time to prevent its reaching us. so long Ma