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Stoughton March 29th 1925

Dear Doris,

I will start once more to write the letter. Pa has been listening in to hear Dr Gordens sermon in the little old South church in Boston, and it was so good that he keeps calling to me to hear him, and it was hard work to get him away long enough to eat dinner.

Lena called us up Friday night, to know what was in the box which Pa wrote her about, that came from Lula in Vermont an eleven pound can of maple syrup. Pa took out a pint jar of it to sample it, and the rest of it she has written her uncle Ed, to come and get for her.

Well this is a cloudy day and we have started our heater up again as the temperature is somewhat cooler after the week of warm spring weather. our shrubs are just beginning to show their buds and the lilacs will leave out before the week is out our constant showers of the past week has brought every thing forth wonderfully, so that you can compare our climate with yours down in Washington