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[22 March 1925]

Dear Doris,

I was very glad indeed to see the radio last night. I think that the folks enjoy it immensely. Your mother says it keeps her from getting so nervous when she is crocheting. Also when Mr. Loring and others come in, it is entertaining. When are you coming home this year? or are you going abroad this summer? I was surprised that you had work again. Do you like it where you are now? Best wish to you and Sid - Lena

[[New Handwriting/Another Person]]

I am on the First Step meeting this is a Blue Brief is talking to me. we have over 70 Crocus blossoms and today and they have only begun we have had some hard rain this week Thursday Sid was in Boston at Chamber of Commerce. Last Monday at Bank Meeting we threw Geo Mark down for Pres on the first ballot but they would not stand to timely  [[?]] him but it has given him a shake so he knows what the Directors think of him guess he will see it is no use for him to try and get a job in the office to bother Ralph. Fred Clapp is on the Board now and they put him on the Security Committee so he and I are to gather in the Bank Mr Ward is sick but they did not feel like taking him off as the chances are he will never go out with us any more