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Every day I go out the front door and listen to see if the frogs are peeping but have not heard them this season so far. my iris has started to come up some, Pa says it wont do any thing down there, but I have my suspicion that it may just the same.

Gertrud and her husband were trying to find a place for them to go this summer for Stanley's benefit but came home discouraged so I told them of your experience that time you and Sid and Lena went down on the cape for a little seaster and the places you got into, and the prices they asked for a nights lodging, and your telling them that you would walk the streets all night, before youd pay such a price.
Stanley does not like down to Hummerock beach he thinks its too dull, all sea and it gets on his nerves. I think Onset would be better and there he could take a sail occasionally. I fear that it may be some time before he comes out of the state he is in he says he is some better but he has no strength and has to grit his teeth to keep a going, they are away from home the most of the day, a taxie comes and gets them in the fore noon and the [[they]]are gone all day. This is a lonesome place these days, no one at home in the afternoons. well I guess this will do for gossip for this time any how and think I will dress up a little Ralph and Maude may come to talk over affairs with Pa