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Stoughton Feb 22nd 1925

Dear Doris-

Well the radio set arrived at noon on the 18th and just the outside rim of the dial got smashed, but that was all.

The boys came up Friday afternoon and I sent them down after your father and they acted scart [[scared]] about touching it, on account of the C battery they had an engagement over to Brockton at a certain time and left after the outside wiring was completed, Pa doing all the work. Well Stanley Loring came over home with Pa that night and looked it over and pronounced it right as far as they had gone and he came again yesterday afternoon with fine wire and connected it up and called me in from my work in the kitchen to listen in and as he had brought over his ear phones we got Springfield and listened to a consert [[concert]] then after seven at night he came over and was here when Pa came home at night and had him at it he seems to understand all about it and has had five or six different ones over home but now he has a loud speaker and a powerful machine. He sits up every night till after one o'clock listening to his as he can't sleep nights, nervous prostration