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he is only too glad to come over here as he can't stay at home long and it does him lots of good to go some where and have something to take up his mind. he has given us a switch + a [[grid leak?]] and lots of flexible wire + those ear phones and has been very good about showing us about it, we are lucky to have him so handy. they are down to Charles Jonesed for the holidays. Hummerock beach, I gave the little bracelet to his kid nob that I admired the child, but it pleased him. Maudu came up with her work Firday afternoon, while the boys were here, the car will be run not I guess since little Ralph has learned to drive, but he seems to be careful and is going to get his license soon. Mrs Blake and I were calling on Emma Wantworth my birthday she gave me a present of a spool care and pin cushion combined very useful present that was a very chilly day so I wore the fur coat and was very comfortable we had a good time and I was just out of sight when [[Golith?]] Wayland called I have had some one here every day this week, Mrs Dykeman here yesterday she is going down to Ellis for a week soon. I did not see Aunt Buna the day I called on Emma, she was up town calling on Mrs Butler, they say Myrtleis engaged to Greta Mardens brother, he lives out to Stoughton and goes to a law school in Boston I shant believe it unless it is proved to be a fact, for fellows time of her so quick, they cant stand so much "gush" I am [[afraid?]]. I had a card from Mrs Griffin she is having a lovely time she writes but doesnt say an thing about coming home.
Pa is trying to get something and says come I got hom so I guess I will finish this letter now.