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Stoughton F8th 1925
Dear Doris-
I have just done my dinner dishes and now will begin the letter.
This is another beautiful sunny day the thermometer is 58 [[symbol]]degree symbol[[\symbol]] but its pretty slushy underfoot, the ice and snow are fast disapearing it seems like a spring day, I have hung out Arthurs flannels to clothes I washed yesterday Pa is taking his Sunday after noon snooze on the couch.

more good now, I thought than to go there to see her.
No Doris we would rather you would save your money against the time you would need it then to think of putting in a radio.
Pa has interviewed Bruce and finds he does not sell them, only the equipments. Harold Capen is in the business and is making quite a living on that line of work. later on they will be cheaper and you better wait and find out more about them. I was in hopes to hear from Mame Wales before now. I fear when we dont hear that she must be having a time with her face again. well this is all I think of now