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Stoughton Jan 4th 1925

Dear Doris-

This is one beautiful day over head The thermometer registers 40°, so as Pa hadnt been up to Horace Manns since for a long time before she died, he has just started to walk up and I was resting a bit after dinner, when Ralph called up on the phone and wanted him.

I have been washing some today and my back rooms were terrible dirty so I thought as it was mild they would dry so I washed them up and they look enough sight better for it.

Lena departed Wednesday she was going to do some shopping and call on Miss Hollis and go to see Daisy so she came out Friday after her things  [[text continues on page 84]]

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and at the same time trying to make out Ralph the dishonest one to cover their own dishonesty. Their visit down to your place was a rest to them both and it seemed good to them. Maude is alone and she feels it, I dont see how they have the hearts to act so, she never did them any harm and has been good to them both. It has been so cold since Xmas that I havnt seen Mrs Blake since that night down to Ralphs I have been very busy and had a cold New Years the air was full of frost and I was out sifting ashes and yesterday I didnt feel good all day, but today I am all right again. my cold worked through me fast. I have hemmed two of those silk hanker chiefs you gave Pa he was wearing around one of my tidies around his neck, dont know how he got hold of it so now he has got something he thinks fills the bill Pa brought home a pretty calander from the Stoughton Trust the name is Rural New England. now I must close for its went dark Ma