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I have always wanted those deep plates and these will last a lifetime. that bureau scarf will be nice for the dining room, after I find time to work it, a pretty pattern. I love to do it. wasnt that gingham pretty you sent for aprons. that foot remedy I must try and if there is anything that will make an improvement in my face, I am glad to adopt it, if its not too late. The board for putting hot dishes on is good and very useful.

Your two letters arrived yesterday and also the cards, you shouldnt have sent the checks. we all thought the pictures fine even to the little dog. I was glad to have seen Mrs. Foster Pa had talked so much about her.

Well Ralph called us up Xmas toward the last of the afternoon and asked us all down to lunch and to talk over his visit with Pa his Ma and Pa were there, also Evylin and Giles we had a very pleasant time, they has so much to amuse one with. I heard Henry play the violin the little devil did it up brown too.

They all had just a lovely time down Washington and couldnt say enough about it did them both lots of good. M thinks you are a good cook and spoke of that scolloped dish, with the cabbage salad, being the best scollope she had ever eaten in her life. she liked Gertrude Green, she wanted to stay a week longer. I gave Lena a skirt like yours hers was blue. I thought your [[yours]] was the prettier she gave me some gloves and talcome [[talcum]] powder. Worcester folks sent me a calender [[calendar]], a picture take [[taken]] of a corner in their garden. I havent heard from Marnie Wales, we dont know but she is having another siege with her face. I sent her a card also one to Alice. Did you hear from Dr. Shorer? She has always sent us a card at Xmas, but not this time. so guess she's mad. I am glad those slippers were large enough I felt doubtful but said nothing. Now if I have omited [[omitted]] mentioning anything you folks sent God knows it was owing to my deficient memory, and I am very thankful to you both, so long