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is a light-shade of blue.

Ralph and Maude came up here to see us and have Pa tell them all about Washington. I gave them some persimmons that you sent. Apparently they had never tasted them before and liked them. Ralph would like to come down there and Maude says she is ready also but I don't think they will come this winter on account of the house and young cubs.

I have just about finished the stamped thing Edith Wayland matched the silk over to Fraziers as she was going over to Brockton the day I went downtown to see if I could get it here, she offered to do it and so I let her. I forgot to send for yellow, and as I had some left, I will go over and get that, and they will take back the unbroken skins, I hope.

So tomorrow if its a good day I think I will go over. It will be a change for me to go somewhere once more. My yarn came yesterday enough to last me till Xmas so after this I will be at home to callers all right. 

I must go up stairs and stitch the aprons, the sun has warmed up the room and then they are all done but putting in the yellow centres I believe.

Lena is getting out the crossword puzzles in the paper, sitting in the bay window with the sun to her back, she likes to do them. Pa is cutting glass for the skylight a piece came down from the roof and broke. We are just through dinner Lena creamed up some celery that tasted good with our dinner. You use the leaves and all so there is no waste its good on toasted bread for supper. I made my mince meat a year ago and put it into jars it was very good withot I took a package of prepared mince meat and extended. I mean to do another package so to use up my apples that are rotting down cellar they are northern spys. so long