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Stoughton Nov 2nd 1924

Dear Doris-
This has been a pleasant week, a frost and chilly day afterwards then warming up but no rain the country is very dry and I will be glad of rain for fear of fire. they forbid burning leaves in the high ways, our foliage that was so pretty a week ago, is now changed to brown and is dropping fast. A brisk wind has come up and it may blow up rain later on. There is to be a republican rally tomorrow night, a band of music, and speaking in the square. then Tuesday we go down to vote, Mrs Blake was up yesterday and wants me to go down with her, Ralph will take us there.

I am working on my jackets all the time these days. I think there will be a lull so I may get in some work for you now and  then. later on. I am in a hurry to get these off as soon as possible as they are in a hurry for them now. 

As soon as the bulbs come we will let you know, he has worked hard to get the ground ready for them, we are going to put some where the iris were.  

I think the raspberries will go out on the land we have purchased, where that rubbish heap was, just beyond the wood pile say you wouldnt know the place now he has put in lots of hard work out there and it is fine he works there odd minutes when he ought to be resting up.