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Stoughton October 4th 1924

Dear Doris,

   We are having lovely days since Tuesday. Brockton fair is a thing of the past, some say not as many attended as in other years certainly there was not near the traffic through Stoughton as formally. Pa had two tickets given him to attend the last day but it did not appeal to him and as long as the coon won nothing it was just as well he didnt go.
   Sunday night as I was doing my supper dishes who should march in but Alice, she came from Overet and was around doing up her yearly visits. Burt came east in his vacation and intended taking his mother back with him, but she wasnt able to ride so far, and fully intended to follow later, Lake Villa, Illinois, is where he is located, and it is very near Herb Lakes and where all of His folks are located, he was talking with her and telling