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her all about his going out there to hunt up his Uncle & I expect she is considering a job here at present, as she would like to earn enough money to take her out there at last. 

I have been doing work out of doors removing my Iris and fixing a place outside of the dahlias to set them, and it was too hard so it used me up for a week, so I was a wreck, but this morning I feel better and will try to go shower, my jellie I made up out of those grapes back of the house, all within my reach, and Pa will get the ladder over so to get those up the tree, so tomorrow am in hopes to make some more. I have been out to the garden and picked a summer squash and there a lot more growing if the frost keeps away and enough string beans for a mess tomorrow, my grapes are ripening fast Pa eats them every day he carried a big bunch down to Ralph this morning the of the Lucilles, they are a fine sweet grap, the best of all we think. how I wish you could have some. I am going to make picklelilly [[piccalilli]] this week, my tomatoes are ripening now every thing is late this year. so long