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two sides of the piazza its just so every year ours gets winter killed but his must be more away from the drip from the roof.

We are on and out today and feel that its altogether too nice a day to stay in doors. an interesting time of the year but a feeling of autumn in the air. Mr and Mrs Ring were over a while looking at air flowers and the cotton seed plants its blossoms are two different colors the first ones were pinkish this one is a corn colored shade very beautiful. We were much amused by their surprise when after pointing out a Katydid perched on one of the leaves of our day lily they they apparently had never seen one before, and exclaimed "why I thought a katydid was a bird." we are never too old to learn. Mrs Dykeman is home from the cape she came up the other night with her order and was about all in when she got here. she is out of conceit with those young ones of Mikes, while she was gone they stole all of those plumbs, and they were all ordered, she was fit to be tied, the year before they took all her grapes off a new vine that never bore, this was its first year Leare was raging then. she says they are holy terrors, she is ready to skin them, its awful aggravating and their mother is easy going and doesnt make them mind, they spoil what little comfort their grandmother could take and its too bad, its a pity that they live so near. I suppose you are riding off enjoying the day some where. you remember two weeks ago today we went by the old Sam Page house and left the car just after you got past the house and while we two were sitting in the car, I made the remark that I bet they sold booze there. well last-Sunday night when Pa had posted his letter after watching the traffic for a while with Dick. He said well guess the I'll go home and Dick said "wait a while Arthur until the boys come home" and low and behold there they come with two cars full of stuff they had fun and raided that house with the Avon officers and bought away their booze and Pa said to see it come in with the crowd so long Ma