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so if you care for them you may take home some they are dirty looking and have big lettering in black that will never wash or boil out some of them are better. Well Sue has just been here and interrupted our letter writing and we have been to dinner now, so will continue writing. The little song sparrows are singing to us right under our windows as we write, they are very dear and sweet. Edith Wayland came up Thursday night to go with Pa to the funeral with Pa but was sick so she did not go. She talked so much and so long I didnt get to sleep till long after midnight and I guess they were glad she was not able to be there at such a time, as it was all curiosity she was going for any way. I am glad that you are satisfied with reclassification and hope Sid gets what he thinks would be fair. is Gertrude Green coming up, I dont see what she thinks of staying down there when she might get something in Boston more to her liking. Lena seemed surprised to hear that Ann Steffen got married. I suppose Lena will come here some week ends if she can get off thats what she said. She invited her self but Jimmies folks are seeing hard times and she dislikes their little girl so I think that it must be unpleasant all around. I am glad that I have a home of my own where I can do as I am mind to and anyone who is out in the world with no home to go to has my sympathy and if they are sensative its ten times worse for them to live so. Well Pa has got his letter written and is now settled down for a snooze and I guess there is nothing more to write so will do likewise as my dinner has digested and I am soo sleepy so long
