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After dinner hash and salmon, lettuce and pie and bread pudding not very much but we are alone and it was easy to get. my lettuce did well so that by picking off leaf by leaf it will remain tender until that in the hot bed comes along. My strawberries are ripening so I get a saucerfull at a time I think by another year it will be quite a bed, the vines look very thrifty and are sending out lots of runners. I mean to mix the sand in more this year, it will keep out some weeds and its good for the plants. What our garden needs is rain it is getting pretty dry and the paper says showers for to day and I am praying we get them, the berries also need it. I lug lots of it to put on the flowers I have lots of little seedlings by the time you come up, I hope the things will look thrifty. the cosmos Mame sent me is doing well and I have got some of the sweet smelling morning glories that she gave me up. I am looking forward to seeing those as they are new and open at night. came from the south.Ruby Capin and Lucille Dix are taking a course at Columbia New York. Percy Woods called your father in as he was going by yesterday to see how they had got the barn fixed up so to entertain people. I suppose. The Griffins are visiting Effie in Worcester over the holidays, he was talking of staking out the cellar if was ready. Carpentring business in this town, is rather dull. as well as everything else. [[Charles?]] Jones is talking of letting his cottage down to Hammerock beach as he cant afford to occupy it this summer. Edith Wayland told me she says that the flowers are something worth seeing to his cottage and it would pay to go down to see them. well this is all there is to write about this time