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Stoughton June 1st 1924

Dear Doris
I am as busy as I can be today and can hardly spare time for writing. yesterday Mamie Wales telephoned up that she was coming here after meeting to dinner and I have been preparing. I have just dug dandelions and got them on boiling and my bread pudding is in the oven my pot roast I prepared yesterday so that now I will have to fix the table and do a little more to the sitting room and that will be all. We are having cold nights and mornings still nothing you would think could grow such weather. my poppies are budded and the Hugonis rose bush is sending out new growth, but I doubt if it blossoms this year though it may. my tomatoes are big enough to set out but I think we better let them be as long as its so cold. but Pa has fixed the bed this morning and he will be crazy next thing to hose them out. I am afraid its too much of a change. I made two wreathes for decoration and one afternoon I managed to get some mianthenums up where you told me they were growing so we managed with our own things to decorate as much as common although we didnt go down to the old cemetry some one dropped a mess of cultch opposite of our lot and on picking it up we found about six or eight jonquills and four good roots of some things that I have set out in the