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Head Quarters Sub Asst Commissioner 
Bureau Refugees Freedmen and Aband Lands 
6" Sub District, District of Louisiana 
St Joseph La May 3" 1867 
Bvt Maj A. W. Preston
S. S. A. Genl 
Bu Ref, F. and A. L. 
This will be handed you by E. D. Farrar Judge of the 13" Judicial District, State of Louisiana who is a planter in Tensas Parish La. He entered into contract with 1421 Forty Three freedmen in January to cultivate a plantation known as Duckpond, giving them '1/2' one half of the crops (Grass Proceeds) building himself to procure advances for them in the way of provisions &c. to be paid for at the end of the year out of their '1/2' one half of the crop which has been drawn up to the present time. The freedmen laborers on said plantation were working admirably well until the overflow, when they were necessarily complete to abandon the plantation. Houses and rations were furnished them until such a time as the water might recede, I advised the men to procure temporary work until they could return to the plantation and fulfill their contract. 
It appears