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Proceeding of a Board of Survey convened at Grenada Miss. by virtue of the following Orders by:

Head Quarters Post of Grenada 
Grenada Miss. May 15th 1867

Special Orders

A Board of Survey to consist of the following named Officers will assemble at the Store house of Lieut. Shipley Agent Bureau of R.F. and A.L. at 10 o'clock A.M. tomorrow the 16th inst. or as soon thereafter as practicable to inquire into and report upon deficiencies in Subsistence Stores recently shipped to that Officer.

The Board met pursuant to the above orders.
Bvt. Maj. A W. Allyn Capt. 34th U.S. Infantry
Captain James A. Hearn Capt. 34th U.S. Infantry
Captain Loyd Wheaton Capt. 34th U.S. Infantry