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attributable to the excessive rains, especially on the Spring which compelled the farmers to replant and in many instances from two to three times. During the Summer, when rain was most needed - drought set in which completely destroyed the corn crop & in the sandy lands - where such great destitution now prevails.

The rains in the latter part of the season produced the "Army & Bowl Worms," as the Crop began to mature, which destroyed the larger portion of the Cotton, the quote from the oldest inhabitants, "The like was never known before" in the memory of man"

Nearly all the lands succeptable of Cultivation, have been planted in Cotton, Corn, Oats, Wheat, and other necesaries. The people of the poor districts are paying strict attention to the raising of the necessaries of life while the Prarie farmers are growing principally Cotton & Corn.

5th One Half of all the land in the County in Cultivation is in Corn, Wheat & Oats. And other necessaries - the remainder in Cotton.

No attention whatever is given to the raising of Cattle & Hogs - for the reasons as the farmer over (and with much truth).

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