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4142 Stortz Ave N,E,
Salem, Oregon  97303
May 4th  1969.

The Carlisle Jaycees
Carlisle, Pennsylvania.

Dear Sirs;

I have at hand A staement recently released by your Governor, the Hon, Raymond P. Shafer. Wherein he called attention to A movement in Carlilse to have the athletic memorabila of my very good friend of many years ago, the worlds greatest athletic Jim Thorpe, returned to that comunity.

I comend you for this, A most worty movement. I realize that Iam, geographicaly far removed  from you, but at heart Iam with you. If there is anything that I can do that will be of help in you realizing this goal, please count me in. 

Jim and I were together much of the time, whenever he came back home, from 1909 untill I left that part of Oklahoma. Jim made Belmont, Oklahoma his head quarters where his brother Frank, and A sister Minnie lived. My home was Prague, Okla just six miles from Belmont. My father Dr H, C, Iles practiced medicene ther from 1890 untill his death in 1936. Among his many patients were members of the Thorpe family including Jims father, Hiram.

Thanking for having activated this movement, and wishing you one hundred percent success.

Very Sincerely yours
W, F, "Buck" Iles

W F "Buck" Iles