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Sunda[[cut off]]
Volume 31 No. 33 - 11 Sections
Copyright 1980 The Patriot- News Co.

Ambush R[[cut off]]

HEBRON, Israeli Occupied West Band (AP) - Israel on Saturday deported three Palestinian leaders to Lebanon and imposed a round-the-clock curfew in the West Bank city where Palestinian terrorists killed five Jewish settlers and wounded 17 others during an ambush the night before.

Arabs retaliated with protest strikes and with bomb and grenade attacks in other parts of the Israeli-occupied territory, and tensions reached dangerous levels.

No one was injured in the latest attacks, but Israeli Defense Minister Ezer Weizman declared: "We are in the midst of the battle on the future of the land of Israel."

The Arab mayor of the occupied city of Nablus, Bassam Shakaa, said: "We are now in the struggle for the Palestinian nation."

The Palestine Liberation Organization, which claimed responsibility for Friday night's attack, called for a general strike throughout the Arab world to demonstrate solidarity with the "rising revolt of our people in the West Bank."

[[image: girl looking through a rain-spattered window]]
Little Cuban Refugee Peers Through [[cut off]]
Jorge Daniel Bronac-Arma, 4, on Friday peers through a bus window [[cut-off]] with other refugees from Mariel, Cuba. He is one of the nearly 10,00[[text cut-off]] United States within the last nine days. (Stories [[cutoff]])

Cumberland Couple Suing
School's Travel R[[cut off]]
Carlisle Bureau

CARLISLE - John and Sherrie Hall believe in a close-knit family and they emphasize educational achievement and travel with their five children. They also are wealthy.

For all of those reasons they think they are victims of an "inflexible, bureaucratic" policy adopted by the Cumberland Valley School Board several years ago.

Because of that policy and the Halls' decision to take their children on trips during the school year, they have been convicted of a criminal offense, the violation of the state's Compulsory School Attendance law.

They resent it. They resent being prosecuted criminally - for, in strict terms, keeping their children away from school - when the kids' grades show that they are top students and that they make up all the work they miss and when the trips have "substantial educational value."

Hall, a real estate developer, would prefer an amicable settlement, but he's not sure that's possible.

As a result, he and his wife have sued the school district, first of all, to block it from additional [[cut off]].

been scheduled before Cumberland County Court Judge Harold E. Sheely for Monday but has been postponed by mutual agreement of Harrisburg attorney Thomas W. Scott, representing the Halls, and Richard C. Snelbaker, the district's solicitor.

The policy in question permits each student to be absent from school for one educational trip of not more than five days each school year.

Since February the Hall children - two at Cumberland Valley High School, one at Middle School West [[cut off]]

Neglect In Inma[[cut off]]
Staff Writer

A Dauphin County Prison cellblock captain allegedly ignored repeated warnings from inmates that a prisoner, who was pronounced dead on arrival at Harrisburg Hospital last Sunday night, was seriously ill most of the day and in "grave danger" about four hours [[cut off]]