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What's on your mind? Whether you're puzzled, pleased, or provoked, the Guide hopes you'll share your thoughts with our readers. When you write us please include your name, address, and telephone number, and whether or not you wish to remain anonymous. This space is yours. It's your turn to speak. Please let us hear from you.

The Capital Guide
2141 N. 2nd. St.
Harrisburg, Pa. 17110

Opposes Bussing

Dear Sir:
My sound off is about this cross city busing of Harrisburg children from their neighborhood schools. News is hushed. The plan is not working. Students are beat up every week. Children do not like school. They are not learning too much and attendance is far from par.
Mrs. Martha Ettinger
1336 Derry St.

Ed.'s Note: We contacted a teacher in the Harrisburg School district and she stated she has heard reports from other teachers of troubles mainly in the junior and senior high level. She said she has heard of a number of incidents especially in those schools. She said as far as she knows, the attendance level is not off too much in the elementary school level, but she has personally seen fear in a number of children in new surroundings.

We contacted Samuel A. Evans, deputy superintendent in charge of business affairs for the Harrisburg Schools, and he said he urges anyone to visit any school to see for themselves conditions. He also said they maintain a monitor in all buses used. He pointed out unrest in schools was a national trend a few years ago, but the Harrisburg Schools feel they have no problem. He denied there really ever was any problem. He agreed there has been some unfortunate incidents, but feels this could not be blamed on any school system.

It's a Small World Dept.

Dear Sirs:
I found your article of Jim Thorpe most interesting. As you will see by the enclosed articles (from a Gettysburg newspaper), it was my deceased brother-in-law, Father Mark E. Stock who performmd his first marriage ceremony.
Mrs. S. S. Stock
Ed's Note: Thank you.

Fair Time For 'Mac."

Dear Editor:

After reading your front page article in April 12th edition of West Short Guide, we decided to write this letter.

We enjoy listening to "Mac" MacCauley over WCMB every morning. WCMB is a radio stationed located on the "West Shore".

Mac talks about sports and topics that men enjoy listening to. Mac talks about children and remembers their birthdays. Mac talks on topics that make women enjoy listening. He has a sense of humor that pleases folks of all ages. He plays music that pleases all ages. He's sincere when he talks about his sponsors.

Granted, Mac hasn't been with WCMB for 25 years, but we do feel he deserves equal time.

Sincerely yours,
Mr. and Mrs. K. R. Letich

Ed.'s Note:
We love 'Mac' too, and his story has already appeared in some of our publications
Thanks for writing.