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back of Ed Leonards & they think everything of it. they are fond of pets, but they better have children, as they are in circumstances to. Owen has two he has begun the right way. I know they are "troublesome comforts" but it brings us out of ourselves, so that we live a more unselfish life. We were told that the fire of Friday Afternoon, was Wallaces old barn up to the hotel neighborhood, it made some pretty black smoke. I guess Emily was scart, as it was so near their place. the two boys who owned up to setting so many fires, their case comes off tomorrow, there has not been so many fires since, so I guess the others are afraid they will be caught also. My tomatoes are growing so big I wish I could put them in the cold frame, but there is no new horse manure to keep it warm. Well the baby will cut her eye teeth before you are aware of it & then you can feed her more solid food that she craves Ma