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(23 March 1930)
It has been blowing today but I have been inside all day last Tuesday it was a rainy day Pete got a chance to burn his pile and I worked nearly all the afternoon taking my stuff over  we took all the vine down and pulled up the roots. so it looks much better all along his side  They have had Louis Dykemen Young over the Selectman Room so as they had to take over our room. we have had to stop our work some Thursday. I made George Mark do as he should and not pass things to me in which I had nothing to settle  he sent a man to me by letter

Transcription Notes:
We should ignore formatting as regards placement along the lines - I have deleted line space before paragraph beginnings. Don't know what that means, "He sent a man to me by letter..." I know they were doing mortgage work for the Bank, in 1925. Maybe the letter meant someone sent them a name of a man instead of telephoning them. Don't know.