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Stoughton March 23rd 1930

Dear Doris-

This is a sunny cold morning but the wind of the last two days, seems to have died down.  we were pretty cold here yesterday just 26° in the morning & to end the day there were three fires going one after the other. so that made things lively for the firemen.  In the afternoon they were called to North Easton to help out, & there they broke some part of their aparatus.  I feel afraid to go to bed nights for fear our back yard, or pasture both sides of us will get a going.  I am always glad when the foliage starts, then it is safer.  That flock of strange looking birds were in our door yard this morning I counted 14 of them.  they are very plump.  the male bird is larger & handsome but where the others are a pretty grey he is a bright  

Transcription Notes:
26 degrees Have inserted it. (Just Google 'degree symbol' then copy and paste it here.)