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yellow with a white back & black tail & black wings & head, they hop & not walk like the starling. I wish we knew their name as we have never seen them before. I went down to Lotties one day she spoke of her cousin Willie Porter being to her house & speaking of the Blake house, said she would like to own it & have Fannie Lucas occupy the upstairs part. It will sell in time, being such a central location & when Frank Capen comes home the lot here is going to be settled. This neighborhood will be mostly Catholic but it wont make much difference to us, as we are most through & a few more years dont matter one way or the other. I guess the baby will get her worst teeth without doubt before warm weather. They may make her a little feverish, but she will come out all right if she does not take cold, so keep calm & dont fret. We have just had the book showing up Mother Eddy, out of the library, they are trying to suppress it, as it is too near being the truth. Well I don't care, we all know she was a schemer & seemed to get what she wanted by fighting for it, but never happy poor mortal  Ma.