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a year ago & she was a good woman. Pa worked out doors all day Monday cutting down & trimming out trees, back of the house. he cut out most of the sprisca at the corner of the bay window. Mrs Dykeman came up in the forenoon. she offered to give me a pattern to cut out the babies coat by that was Howards babies & it would just fit your little one, she thinks. I gave her some slips & roots & a boquet of flowers she went home happy. you did not say whether the box of jillie got smashed, we were included to think it might. as we found it hard work to gather those salad dressing jars with caps enough to fit into the box so bring home some, when you drive up the next time, as the box calls for just that size jar, as you can see. I am very fond of the mustard pickle & it agrees with my digestion. Pa eats his salad dressing. he is not fond of vinegar & I love it always. as it is what gives things a relish. the peanuts that you left, I have ground up & put them in a cake & they went fine. I used a cup of sour milk with one teaspoon of soda it was very light & fine with a cup of raisins, tell your housekeeper to try one. it keeps well, dont dry up, I am going to make one for thanksgiving in a few days, glad you liked the little red jersey garments I wish there had been more cloth as I had to piece the sleeves so much she must look well in it if it fits at all. this is all there is this time 