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Stoughton Nov 6th 1929

Dear Doris,

It seems nice to see the sun once more Sunday it rained all day, but yesterday was a lovely day, & today bids fair to be likewise. The temperature this morning was just freezing but its up to 40[[degrees]] now at 9 O'clock. We sent off the box yesterday, so you must get it by tomorrow shure. I am making something for the little one to play out, in out of old stuff, & have had hard work to get it out, so you must make allowances & shut your eyes accordingly. I would like a picture taken of her in this rig, some time, to know how the thing fits. she must be very cunning by this time, & its nice she has learned to amuse her self so much, being alone they will if they are put to it, & its better for them I suppose, than to keep their brain too active & excited, let them go slow. but I know it was always hard for me not to. Last night Pa kept reading over your letter untill I laughed at him, & he said he was reading between the lines. I hope Sidney enjoyed his feed Sunday & brought some home for you folks to sample. did it make him sick this time or did he prophit from his past experiences. well a lot of nice things that we love, are a temptation to most of people. I never know when to stop eating lobster & thats a fact wish some times