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they were more plentiful or not so high priced. Helen Ewing was married last week to Pearl Holmes brother lives up in the Sumner neighborhood a nice fellow seems he used to come to see Pa about his cooperative loan. on the house he was having built at that time. she is the homly one looks like the doctor with his squared around mouth. the paper said it was a home wedding. Well there isnt much that I can think to write about. You heard about Low & Powers buying the Marston place, for an undertaking establishment, their parlors down town were not roomy enough. by the way they put on their price these days they can afford it we think. It cost a small fortune to die these days.

I have just made some apple turnover pies & got them in the oven. I am trying to use up my apples before they rot the jays & Starlings eat great holes in them on the tree I suppose they are starved as there isnt much they can get these days since every thing is gathered for winter. I am going to have a stuffed haddoc for dinner & its time I got it on the table for Pa will be home any minute now.