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[3 Nov. 1929]


It is most 4 oclock the wind has got out NE and it has rained all day for the first time for months but not hard enough to make much show to fill the dry ground. have not been outside since I was down after the Papers. The week has not been a very busy one for me at all. This week coming will be Bank week and it looks to be some driving here some application from out of Town and scattered parts of Sto. Ralph has had the Bank Examiners out at the Bank so he has been busy. Mrs Blake had a spell Thursday they had Mrs Cameron but to day is down stairs on couch and Maude has just told me she is coming all right she thinks. we are thinking of fixing up a box of glass jars of jelly and the like to send down. Shall send by Ex to Sidney at the Dept but can say when we shall