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13 Oct 1929


To day has been one of the best days we could have.  it started in cloudy and a heavy So wind till noon and since the sun has been out and around seventy.  was busy thinking it would rain early in the morning all the plants are down cellar and the big Fern up in the sewing room for the winter  Fred and my self were out for the bank yesterday afternoon even if it was a holiday the meeting will come Tuesday instead of Monday this time but we start to hear the complaints as to taxes Wednesday and the rest of the week I rather dread so much fault finding as we have to meet with  we have to write some two hundred Auto Bills. for Oct, these bills are for cars registered since July 15th and carry 1/2 price. there will be over 2000 bills to Oct 1st all told, then for the rest of year 1/4 price will be charged