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include large amount of sturdy though plain furniture, a TV, pictures in ornamental frames - house included 5 or 6 large rooms (excluding kitchen & bathroom) of which 1 used as workroom, 1 or 2 as storage rooms for finished goods & new materials; no opportunity to enter other houses
4. [[underlined]]diet [[/underlined]] - guests offered sweet tea & a variety of snacks
5. [[underlined]]livestock [[/underlined]] - Pak Saidi has recently purchased very large numbers of chickens, apparently for commercial purposes (?)
6. clothing of villagers - neat but simple, women barefoot, grandfather who lives next door in traditional dress
- large proportional of the village children attend school (no craft work done till after school hours) - Pak Saidi's son left by motorcycle while we were there to attend classes at a nearby STM (Sekolah Teknik Menengah)
- village receives "bantuan" and "pendidikan" from 3 government departments: Departm. of Industry
Departm. of Trade
Departm. of Perekonomian

Pak Saidi feels this "bantuan" and "pendidikan" to be very important and declares himself willing to receive advice from anyone who wants to give it.
-Pak Saidi first introduced the new products in 1965 but mentions that rapid development ("perkembangan yang cepat") began after 1970 - no estimates of output, but Ibu K. notes that he once handled an order for several 1000 nesting baskets, to be sent to Australia and that he often receives orders from exporters in Semarang & Jakarta

nonetheless Pak Saidi shows no inclination to pressure the people to work during the agriculturally busy seasons
- re agriculture, house yards used for planting right up to the walls of the houses themselves - inthe house gardens noted ubi, nangka, papaya, kelapa, pisang, terong, bamboo, melinjo, etc. 
- re other subsistence activities, shallow depth at which groundwater found makes fish ponding (ikan gurame) usually important, though stated by 2 villages that there were no fish this