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outside the village (in response to a question whether sawahs might be owned by Kasongan villagers but rented out to neighboring villages, he said that might be done too) - at any rate the people of Kasongan "tidak punya enthusiasm" for agriculture
3. a major problem for small producers, according to Soekmono, are the 'tengkulaks' (or intermediaries - usually these intermediaries are of Chinese origin and press the producer down, while taking a very large share for themselves - an example was given of the Jepara furniture industry where a producer (wood carver) gets between 200,000-300,000 Rp. for a set of furniture, the tengkulak spends another 250,000 to get the furniture to Jakarta, have it finished and sold in a showroom - it is sold at about 1 1/2 million Rp, with a profit of 1 million for the tengkulak 
Soekmono stressed that the government does not want to get rid

of the intermediaries ("memang mereka extension officers yang terbaik") but wants them to take a more just share and give the small producers a bigger cut - the method used to achieve this end is arranging meetings between producers, tengkulaks & government officers; Soekmono feels that the Chinese intermediaries have not been cooperative "oleh karena mereka kuat dalam soal uang" (they are financially too strong/they have a lot of capital) 
4. another problem, according to Soekmono, is that the small producers are poorly educated - because of this they don't work together as they should, but compete with each other; an example is when one producer gets and order too large to handle by himself, he doesn't want to divide it with his neighbors - Soekmono feels that more producers should shift to a job order system, since they don't know how to market their products well
government's method of overcoming the problem of ignorance is to send