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instructions to the village to give courses in modern methods of management for small businessmen; another form of help which the government can provide is assisting the producers to apply for government rank credits; for this is also it is important that the producers learn to work together
finally, in response to a question as to how typical the industries in this area are of Java as a whole, the answer was that the basic organization is the same everywhere, but that the small producers of W. Java are more sensitive to changing in fashions, more willing to produce a 'modern' type of product, and generally produce products which aesthetically better ("lefih indah") than those produced by Central Japanese villages. Central Japanese villages, especially in the Jorjia area, are too conservative and are still tied to an old "feigdom" way of thinking ("masih terikat dalam kerajinan")

July 24 - [[underline]] List of Outside Agents to Contact for Interviews [[/underline]]
1. Latiel, Aldul - manager/buyer for [[saviah?]] Jaya + handcraft complete at Taman Miniatures Indonesia
2. Soekmono - assistant director of PPIK, D.I.Y. (Pusat Pengemlangan Industri Kecil), pilot project of BIPIK
3. Abu Kusumobroto
4. Sjikroni -- Kepala Duias Perindustrian, Kabapaten Bantul
5. Sugire [[Lumodsasson ?]], Director General for Industries + Handcraft
6. Sayuti H.
7. Sergio Dello - Strologo, World Bank advisor, founder + manager for four years (1968-1972) of sari Boutique
8. K.R.T. Sulanan Kusumonegoro- kepala Kantor Wilayoh Perindustuan D.I.Y.
9. Sapto Hudoyo