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enough broken English to descuss
houses are all now, though neighbors who do not make latik scattered around other parts of the T.S. complete are still mainly using rumah gedek; single painting takes between 2-5 days to complete, working 4 hours a day, while more complex pieces may take much longer
painter commonly works on several pieces simultaneously, but can estimate a monthly production of about 10 paintings per painter + perhaps (guessing only) an average daily sales of 2 paintings, so that a small enterprise employs only 2 or 3 painters
work hours per painter low, most work carried but in the morning customers attracted to T.S. by word of mouth, through Jogja tourist guidebooks, through hotel info. desks, etc.
though saw no children working, were told by one young man that he had 

already begun to "mengambar" at age 4
old people not active at all in painting now, though sometimes help to man the shops' were told, as an explanation by one young man, that the old people "no longer had any new ideas or creativity" and that nowadays what was needed was a constant supply of new designs