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and his reputation suffered because of it ("nama saya jatok")
type of products now made include both trad. jariks & more 'modern' products like tablecloths (didn't see a full range this trip)

wages nowadays are about Rp 1000 for a fine jarik, Rp 400 - 600 for one of rougher quality
working hours not fixed, can be anytime of day, and apparently very few hrs. per day, maybe 2 at a time
Ibu K. that a fine batik for which she gets Rp 1000 ($2.50) will be sold in a store for Rp 10,000 ($25); she, of course, never sees the finished product
road into Imo Giri same road as leads out of town south to Kota Gede - is narrow, but paved, accomoding all vehicles; another major occupation of villagers is running warungs for visitors along both sides of the road leading to the burial grounds; many independant sellers of fruit, snacks, bottled drinks, empty bottles for holy water, etc.
also many beggars around the grounds


& on the steps leading up to the mausoleums
no batik shops or batik sellers seen at Imogiri
method of taking batiks to Jogja not certain, but several persons with loads of waxes batiks on the back of a bicycle seen on the road leading into Imogiri