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visit to antique brass + kris factory "Praptowihardjo" on Jln Wates - produces the imitation antique brass lamps sold on Jalan Surabaya  in Jakarta and in antique + curio shops elsewhere
also produces kris' of all qualities, some using old blade with new handles + fittings, + some all new
workshops and a large foundry to the right of the family home, while large areas of the home have been turned into showrooms
nowdays numerous processes in making the brasswares are mechanized including a large mechanized bellows, the wheel of which doubles as a lathe (?)
two years ago when I visited Pak Prapto saw a different workshop to the left of the house, but don't know if thats still in operation
in addition to antique lamps + krises, saw wooden masks, wooden 'bridal' statues in kraton

garb, + various other brass + wood souvenirs + curios - perforated leather fans in wayang kulit style were given to all guests - furnishings of Pak Prapto's home extremely luxurious including antique furniture of finest quality
silverwork + wayang golek puppets also sold, but not clear if made on the premises or not 
-were shown by Pak Prapto a gold-inlaid pamor kris worth 1 1/2 million rupiahs which he had made himself
-most of the lamp makers in the foundry younger men while kris makers in back of the house mainly elderly men
-were also show albums full of photos of fine krises, distinguished guests including Pres. Suharto, etc.
Pak Prapto's father was a kris maker + Pak Prapto himself one of the few persons nowadays who can make fine pamor - to make pamor requires meteoritie nickel + since the Indonesian supply is exhausted Pak Prapto is now