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method + paint had flaked off
appr. 5 days for a fine puppet, the cutting only-
payment to worker for a rough puppet
500 Rp
person who cuts different from person who paints + person who attaches holder different again
me(s)nungging - to paint
me(t)nata - to cut out
gapit - holder of horn or bamboo tool usually made by Pak Wardirjo (of besi tua, esp. persadel bicycles seat springs) + other villages usually order from him, at a cost of 100.
for the gebingans main outlines are from a pattern blat, ie another wayang which is laid on top of the hide + traced
learning process of making kulit from age 6 - 20 at age 6 children begin helping by removing little pieces of hide in holes others have cut - 'if their hands are already clever' (kalau tanganya sudah pintor) they begin cutting the longer, easier type of filling holes - later the more difficult fillings
acc. to Pak Atmo a pengradjins 

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training doesn't end until about age 20, when can do all processes by themselves
no pattern used for fill so fill elements for each wayang character must be learned by heart 
- road at Pocung very bad - Pak Atmo complained a little bit that Pak Bupati come to Pocung during rainy season + hence knows how bad the road is, but has given no attention to situation in Pocung ("tidak memberi perhatian") - - villages from Nogosari (main road) to Pocung have a plan to build a road, the excuse for which is that Pres. Suharto stayed there when he was a guerilla during the revolution - that plan probably awaits help from the Kabapaten
- village is rather poor, just above Wonosari - all houses we saw of gedek, except one house being built of polished wood
saw no motorcyles, only bicycles
- rice crop eaten by grasshoppers this year + must buy rice
second important food is gaplek, (cassava root, dried, as at Monosari)
- due to lack of water people at