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{feain } 6. Lasem 
        7. Bladra-mersh/birce
        8. Kepyur-                   {drizzle}
{for clothing} 9. Kenanti green/red/black, white 
      Her equipment dates from about 1938 & was made by her father, who could make houses {a carpenter?} the reed, the dividers of which are of very fine bamboo strips, was made at a far desa called Panassan Pak Giarto has never been these but new reeds ordered via someone at Pleret {apparently this means reed has to be replaced periodically}
Pak Giarto has 6 children- none can weave, but one girl does batik work {about 20 years old}- one boy sells lamps in Jakarta
Ibu Giarto buys thread in hanks, already dyed {6 colors?} from someone {a house} in Kota Gede, probably is dyed in Kota Gede, but Ibu Giarto doesn’t know ultimate source
Several features of process:
1. Thread is given rice coating- rice is soaked a long time, then place on top of special wood block with thread & rice is stamped in with feet

2 kulit tingi {tingi bark} Is bought at Plered-pounded & boiled, then thread put in until all water is absorbed-this prevents too much fading. 
Thread costs her Rp 250 per hank & uses 10 for a salendong (gendongen) & 15 for a sarong
Cost of a salendong from her is Rp 3000, which means her profit 500 - (is this possible?)
works only from orders, mainly from other Pocung villagers
10 days to make 1 salendang, inclu-
ding 3 days threading up
warp - luson
weft - pakan
maxmium length 6 1/2 meters
(2 salendangs)

footnote: for fine wayang more than 20 types of tata tools needed, while for kasan about 10