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work done in front of house (more houses should be visited to confirm) - farming, however, also done in morning hours
(we heard from wife of main organizer that work done morning, but we saw several people working in the late afternoon)
- entire village, every house, does bamboo work (no count of households)
another village, Ngrajak, nearby also makes, but is in Kel PUndong
- craft is inherited + family we visited couldn't remember its beginning
- visited house of Pak Sudiwiyono whose house acts as a distribution pt. for raw materials + collection pt. for finished products - large house near main part of village coming in - well constructed house, large, with nicely worked room dividers + bamboo ceiling, but dirt floor - fairly good furniture + walls crowded with paintings, cut-out pictures, calendars, etc.
- Pak Sudiwiyono is not the kepala

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dukoh, however - kepala dukoh Pak Moh Saniman, who lives in a much poorer house rather far off the main road + down  a shallow gulley (was not home during our visit)
- one bamboo pole about 200 Rp - bamboo from near Sleman +  price includes transport to Nambongan - brought by seller in a keseran (large man - pulled 2 - wheeled wheelbarrow - type vehicle) 
- one 3 x 2M2 pyan mat uses 1 bamboo pole, + sells for Rp200 too - pyan uses inner'aten' bamboo
profit comes from outer green bamboo covering - 7 of these coverings can make 1 green pyan kulitan + price of this type of pyan 2000 Rp.
pasaran 2 types:
1. tengkulak from Jogja, Bampingan, atau Sleman comes by bicycle
2. men of village take mats to Jogja or Kota Gede + at same time sell also receive payment for installing
(Joko has bargained for pyan + in Jogja 1m2 325 Rp + cost of installing 275 Rp - total 600 R 1m2)