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- 1 pyan 16m^2 (4x4) takes 1 week to weave only (after making strips)
- Bu sudiwiyono says working hrs 4-6 hrs per day

during rainy season production drops because drying of strips difficult

but during dry season make continuously (do not work from orders) because "sudah mesupakan sambilan yang pokok/ sutama) & he knows that "the tengkulaks will definately come" [strikethrough/] tonight [strikethrough].

tengkulaks pick up mats without paying - pay about a week later when return to pick up a new load

- [strikethrough/] using [strikethrough] usually plant rice 2x a year, occasionally planting polowijo too if situation difficult ("keadaam tidak mengijinkan") i.e. the rice crop is eaten by [strikethrough/] polo [strikethrough] wereng.

4 harvests completely destroyed by wereng, with rice varieties PB8, PB5 - this past season, planted PB36, PB34, PB30 on the advice of Dept of Agr. & got about half of the crop

borrow fertilizer from Dept. of Agr.,

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with guarantee that if [strikethrough/] unon [strikethrough] no harvest loans can be postponed 
-this village is not completely dependant on big Mataram canal, but sumber air (water source) for irrigation from Cebongan area

- saluran Mataram closed down completely because "otrowongan Bliga" was broken

open again a month ago, flowed 1/2 mot. & then closed down again because Trowongan [strikethrough/] a [strikethrough] Bligo broken again

(Joko read in papers that due to farmer's [strikethrough/] [[?]] [strikethrough] complaints about lack of water the repairs on Tn. Bl. were rushed by Bup. Sleman & work carried out 24 hrs [strikethrough/] again [strikethrough] a day - reopened before cement completely dry & hence broken again)

- polowijo include tobacco & cassawa

- tried once planting peanuts but destroyed by insect pest ('hama')

- closing of Mataram had effect on industry because when flowing bamboo poles floated down rather than using geseram when Mataram dry sometimes [strikethrough/] ho [strikethrough] hard to get enough bamboo