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with Pak Sastro)
functions of coop:
1. look for iron
2. place for enterprises to buy iron
3. rent Pak Sastros vehicles to sell or goods disetor with Pak Sastro to be sold by him
4. credit facilities-once credit available via coop. from Bank Rakyat Indonesia-each member of coop allowed to borrow Rp 10,000 with return 10,200 in 4 monthly installments
(Pak Sastro mentioned that these loans had no effect-were too small & people used them for private purposes-he felt a minimum loan would be Rp 50,000)
usual work hours 8-5:00, but if have an order will work nights too
were told that in agr. season left their blacksmithing for fields! since farm only padi gogo + polowijo labor in fields less than in sawtah) 

PURCHASING + RETURNS - following calculation made by Joko at Pak Wongso 
2 stels _recheck if using stel system) of 4 and 3 each
each stel has 1 empu + 2 on 3 pemukul (does the empu look for his own pemukul?)

1 empu kampak 20 tools per day hasil @ 400 Rp sold for total of 8000 Rp
1 empu petel 20 per hari @ 200 sold for total 4000 Rp
total daily sales about Rp 12,000

wages: pemukul 5 men x 300 = Rp 1500
4 finishers x 300 = 1200
2 empu x 600 = 1200
Rp 4,100

raw materials
2 karong charcoal @ 800 = 1600
iron for 20 kampak @ 1 1/2 K = 
30K @ 90Rp = 2700
20 petel @ 1K = 20K @ 90Rp = 1800

cost of transport - each trip 5 members join together to rent colt, each bringing 125 tools = 650
[[margin]] 625 [[/margin]]