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34 [[page one]]
Thur, Mar. 23, 1978
meeting with Pak Jacob + Pak Uman
Mashuri at BIPIK
related to CORE group on strategy for Income Distribution + Employment

no data available on no. of industrial coops, percentage of wage to family labor

[[re?]] problem that resources given as part of govn's dev. aid program not reaching lowest levels of landless, etc. received following answer,
very little credit going to village industries
reason that banks are need to dealing with modern sector and think in terms of efficiency + profit, not in terms of employment or income distribution
when department of industry officials help craftsmen fill up forms + take to bank, loan usually refused.
in agr. sector special bankings units have been set up to deal with loans to small farmers
hasn't been done yet in small
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industry (agr. has priority in Repilita II)
(exact comment: "Ask Subroto ((Minister of Manpower in charge of Core Group)) where the credit is? We never see any credit. We feel a little annoyed JENKEL too.)
- Jacob + Mashuri feel that the "entrepreneurial elite" is not much of an elite ("lemah juga")
feel that by aiding entrepreneurs they will employ more people + hence aid employment effect
- Bipik uses an "ih-group" approach-what is meant by this is that they concentrated on villages which have a cluster of industries of the same type ([[sejenis?]]) for which a set of common services
most villages do not have real coops (KUDs, BUUD's) so start with an "association"; Dept of Industry will encourage [[margin]]mendorong[[/margin]] formation of a coop; bet will not force
under new presidential instruction coops will be joined at [[etiamatan?]] level under single