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large umbrella coop
under this will be the 'unit usaha' or activity units, presumable the old coops- how much autonomy they will retain a question
re intro of technology and possible depressing effect on employment was stated that technol. will be introduced to a whole group ie. in form of a diesel machine to be shared by the village; will not introd. techn. to individuals where might use it unfairly to compete with others in the village 
acd. to Jacob Inpres #2 forbid hierarchy of coops of Indian type in Indon. for fear they will become politically- oriented organisations so rushed electric feel is already technol. available to village, but feel many vil-lagers will not be able to pay charges 

re export stimulation of handicrafts National Agency for Export Developm. in charge.
No. of BIPIK field officers about 200 (see attached list of centers) but are also field officers under APBN (?), i.e. 50 for E. Java alone 
functions of BIPIK include purchasing asst., design assist, info + promotion, training + extension

Wed,    brief interview with Heveredge,
Mar 22  ILO expert on coops on loan to Indon. dept. of Coops

feels crash program in coops wont work
Coops must be built up patiently from base of village (discussions + training courses (orientation) + them allowed to grow what we have in Indon. is not true coops

Transcription Notes:
coops is for cooperatives or koperasi in indonesian usually set up in villages.