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days (maybe at Lebaran?)
but acc. to Rianto the negative effect was to reduce the market in Kajan since buyers can buy products now completely made in Semarang
usually buyers order tools which the half-finished ("[[setengach jadi]]") so they can finish, give own trademark and take a higher profit.
acc. to Rianto not usually any family ties between pengusaha + empus (tho many smaller pengusaha act as their own empu)
aside from buying raw materials from Pak Sastro, are apparently small traders who ((buy scratched out)) bring small loads to the village to sell (recheck)
work has 8-12 AM, lunch at 12, after lunch - 4PM
not often work nights but work overtime with higher salary if a large order
pengrajin have already received advice from the Dept. of Tenago Kerja (Manpower, Lablor) that should wear goggles but pensajin say it bothers them to wear ("men-gangu")
industry began to berkembang in 1960 because the market increased about that time; market increased because of "the development (perkembangan) of the government" .
profit estimated at between 15-30,000Rp per month per household
Rianto feels a good future in the long run for Kajar because the demand will be increasing.
no info on ceremonies or traditions related to blacksmithing 
is a harvest festival for the whole village called Rasulan - (bersih desa) (from "ganguan")
acc. to Rianto there is no unemployment problem in Kaja - are bakal confeksi who come to the village + sell clothes on credit, to be paid back in 4 or 5 weekly installments.
Rianto is trying to open up new markets - 1. sent a letter order form to govn. offices advertising products of villages 2. also. I printed books + cards to give to guests who come to Jakar, people who attend trade fairs, etc. Rianto envisions that if the coop