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[[page 70]] 
were stopped by police + made to pay a "restribusi" - by combining loads could reduce this burden  
(now if want to buy rails must a letter of permission - given by store - they get from PJKA = Perusahaan Jawatan 
Keseta Api - rails are old ones sold at a public auction/
similar system for Lumber with letter from PER HUTANI = Perusabea Hutan Negari'Indon. recently Pak Sastro lost 300,000 Rp because bought rails with no letter + police confiscated
cooperasi became legal body in 1969 
Ketua - Hartoutono (juga Kep Bagian Sosial Desa)
Wakil - Paesan (Lurah) 
treasurer = Bendahara - Sastro 
- students have visited the village 
from IKIP (50 ), STM (now), 
youth of Sumatra (2 months ago)
- World Bank has a plan to give finishing tools (when?) 
-Swadaya program in the planning for road improvement older craftsmen to contact Pak

[[page 71]] 
[[margin]] both sons-in law; see book 3, p 62 [[/margin]]
Karyodiwongso + Pak Mantodinono (son + son-in-law of Garakaya)
- never has been a period when the craft forced to stop began to expand about 1962- reason an expanding market due to Kaigi's reputation for good quality
Pak Lusak feels will continue to expand.
padi planted once a year in Nov. + harvested in May

[[12 columns, 1 row]]
MAR 3 harvest padi
APR 4 plant peanuts and soybeans
5 MAY 
6 JUNE harvest peanuts and soybeans
7 JLY harvest cassava
8 AUG gundul
9 S gundul
10 O gundul 
NOV 11 plant padi and cassava
DEC 12

143 coop members
90 perapen
all coop members from Kajar + Kedung
pedagang can also be coop members
-landholding smaller on average due to pop. increase
in addition to wages buruh tani get a very small share of harvest to