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[Page 74]
acc. to Halk Atmo everybody in
his area has at least 1/2 hek.
ladang ((doubtful)) - are those 
with 3-5 hek. 
Wells at Kedung side deeper 
than Kajar altho Kedung lower lying 
During dry season only 
source of water around 
Sumber Kajar for 4 or 5 months
-began eating rice 1977 - 
-gaplek and jagung and beras saved
and only used when run out
of money to buy (not the
reverse -confirmed several
on the east side (see picture) can
plant long beans and disiram
(watered) from wells and Sumber 
Kajar during dry season, but
to west can't plant during
1967 - Abri came for 2 weeks
to work with people on road - 
colt to Wonosari 50kp
Pak Atmo says 40 went to 
Semarang(answers on this 
question range from 30-100)

[Page 75]
most who went were young without
families and included 2 women
-no underempl. acc. to Pak Atmo
-SD (grade school) in Kajar II
-a course held in
electrical and carbide welding
(welding = LAS) from Dept Coop
G.K. on 15-24 June, '78
-blind people also used as tukang ubub
-never a shortage of labor, are
to Atmo - receive labor
from outside areas of kel
Piyaman and Kel. Bejiharjo
-children under 15 already
know the 'teori[?]' of kerajinan
but "tenaga belum kuat"(they
are not strong enough)
-1975 only 60 perapen and
1978 are 90 
in whole area
-reason because an "adjuran" advisor under pressure
from the govn. to [crossed-out]
expand their production
-acc. to Atmo  a family can
live from its harvest but due to 
various social obligations (ke-
perluan social) the harvest
is not enough & must buy
Pak Atmo says that profits more